Play Lotto Online UK

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What is the Mega Millions Lotto?

The Mega Millions lotto is a US multi-jurisdictional lotto originally known as the Big Game until May of 2002. The lowest advertised prize of Mega Millions is $12 million dollars, with jackpot prizes reaching up to $150 million or higher. Mega Millions gives you the option to get the jackpot prize for 26 annual installment payments or one time big time lump sum. 

To play, you need to choose 5 numbers from 1 to 56 with an additional number from 1 to 46. Just like the Powerball lottery, it uses the two drum system with one drum holding 56 balls while the other holds 46 balls for the Mega Ball.  It also gives you an option to double or triple the non-jackpot prize, depending on the value of the card you selected.  

Play Mega Millions Lotto Online

play mega millions onlineIf you’re not a resident or citizen of US, you don’t have to worry anymore as Mega Millions is already available online.  You simply need to look for an online lotto vendor to play Mega Millions Lotto Online. It’s also a lot easier. You won’t even have to worry about losing your tickets as this will stay in your email. And you can say goodbye to lining up for a ticket or getting the weird look from the cashier when you buy one.  

Let RedFoxLotto help you play Mega Millions Lotto Online with Ease

One of the easiest ways to play Mega Million Lotto online is by subscribing to RedFoxLotto. RedFoxLotto is an online lottery service which allows you to buy a lottery ticket with much ease. All you need to do is register and RedFoxLotto will do the rest of the job for you. They will buy your ticket for you and send you a confirmation email. They will also credit the prize money to your account, depending on the amount.

For winnings amounting to $2500 and below, they will automatically send this to your customer  account. For winnings above the aforementioned amount, they will turn the ticket over to you and send you a claim form to help you get the winnings yourself. You won’t even have to pay extra to get your jackpot prize. 

To play Mega Million Lotto online with RedFoxLotto, all you need to do is choose Mega Millions and place them in your shopping cart. Once you’re done, don’t forget to click “Checkout” to seal the deal. You also have an option to subscribe monthly for a lottery game. You must also make the order at least 24 hours before the draw date.  
It’s totally easy and you even get a royal treatment.  
RedFoxLotto is also very safe and secure and you won’t have to worry about them selling your contact information as they will make sure that any information you give them is strictly confidential.
For more information about ordering a lottery ticket in RedFoxLotto, click here.

RedFoxLotto Jackpots